Harmonic analysis
Head: Colin Guillarmou
Assistant: Delphine Lelièvre
Weekly seminar: Mondays, 2pm, room 3L8
The main themes of the team are harmonic and microlocal analysis applied to PDEs, geometric measure theory, complex geometry, and dynamics in several variables:
- Theory of varifolds
- Calculus of variations
- Kählerian or CR varieties and Monge-Ampere equations
- Bergman kernels
- Inverse problems
- Geometric measure theory
- Multifractal analysis, diophantine approximation
- Microlocal analysis and applications
- Real harmonic analysis, applications to PDEs
- Analytic torsion
- Hyperbolic dynamical systems, dynamical zeta functions
- Minimal sets
- Nodal sets of eigenfunctions
- Random geometry
- Conformal field theory
- Kato problem, Riesz transforms
- Holomorphic dynamics
- Multizeta functions
- Hopf algebras and mould calculus.
Team members
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Upcoming events
March 2025
March 2025
Séminaire Analyse Harmonique
Bingxiao Liu
Universität zu Köln
14h00 - 15h00